Mother of Dragons

Okay, I’m a day behind on my #spooktember posts (already behind a mere three days in, pathetic, I know) but here’s a twofer in order to remedy the problem.

Day 2 of Spooktember was “spooky pet.” If you know me, you know I love cats, especially my own, but cats are a bit too predictable so I chose to depict our other pet…

Lefty, our bearded fucking DRAGON. John found him years ago in the canyon behind his house, and at that time he was already missing a hand. Combine that with the fact that he’s barely mobile in his old age, and he’s definitely not my idea of spooky, but people get creeped out by reptiles so I figure it works. I also added a witch’s hat for maximum spookiness.

Day 3 of Spooktember is brought to you by….

Carnivals! I may have read the prompt really quickly and then seen that Little Spooky Studio had drawn a carousel so my mind mistakenly thought the prompt was actually carousel and I was like, that’s weird but okay, so I drew this then checked out other people’s works and was like, ooooooooooh, yeah carnival makes more sense.

But what’s done is done, and I’m not disappointed with my mistake. If anything, I’m glad I was (accidentally) (by my own stupidity) restricted to a carousel; carnivals are overwhelming and with my indecisiveness, I’m sure I would still be trying to decide between drawing a funhouse or a portrait of a carnie. And you know, if you can look past Pennywise, it’s actually kinda cute.

Alright, almost halfway through and back on track! Be sure to check back in tomorrow to see if I can keep this streak going.

Aliens Amongst Us

A few months ago my friend was in the market for a decorative animal skull (as one is) and she discovered the Oddities and Curiosities Expo was on it’s way to San Diego–what better place to find such an oddity! I had a free weekend and decided to tag along, and boy was I glad I did.

Not only did said friend find her antelope skull (a real beaut by the way, most of the bone is completely intact!) but I also found some very important spooky artists, one being Little Spooky Studio. Obviously I added her on Instagram right after buying the most adorable lil ghosty pin, and have been loving her posts ever since.

Like, are you kidding me with how cute this is??

As it is now September, aka the gateway to Fall, she posted a Spooktember doodle challenge and I figured I have the time, I might as well participate.

The first day’s prompt is “alien.” I was gonna draw myself (there’s a whole online community that believes people with negative blood types are descendants of an alien race, there’s even an Ancient Aliens episode about it, EDUCATE YOURSELF), but I decided to go for something a little more on message.

Here we have two aliens celebrating Labor Day weekend. Not my best work (please overlook the white-out tape on the Mrs’ mouth), but you know, better than a portrait of me, Barack Obama, and Prince Charles against a backdrop of the swirling cosmos (BOTH OF THEM ARE RHESUS NEGATIVE TOO, WAKE UP SHEEPLE).

Stay tuned for tomorrow, where I draw a spooky pet and open your eyes to more secrets of the universe!


Ladies and gentlemen, it is now mid-July and I am officially unemployed.

The last few weeks of work were pretty anxiety-ridden–this is the first time I’ve been unemployed since I was 16 after all–but now that I’ve had some time away from the office to decompress, I’m starting to relax and enjoy this brief (God-willing) sabbatical.

That isn’t to say I’ve been lounging around watching The Bachelorette all day. I mean, it’s partly because I’m already caught up on The Bachelorette, but mostly because as a Type A personality who’s body is still programmed to wake up at 6 am, I’ve been rising with the sun and creating daily To Do lists to help me remain productive in the face of a wide open day. I have typical items like “tidy the apartment,” “scrub the bathroom” and “apply to 5 jobs”, and less common items, like “apply face mask,” and “finish painting of an orange you’ve been saying you’ll do for months.” Yes, it may seem weird to schedule self care and artsy activities, but I really love crossing things off lists, and if there’s anything instagram influencers have taught me, it’s that art and self care are just as important as tasks of industry. So on the list they go!

John recently requested that with my spare time, I paint a picture of a cow. Obviously I need to practice first, so I added “draw picture of cow” to my list last Wednesday. And Thursday. And Sunday.

And okay, okay so maybe this To Do list isn’t always being kept to 100%, but I got it done in less than a week and that counts for something.

I call it “Mooving On” because obviously I will not let the opportunity for a good pun pass me by, but also because it really feels like I’m finally shaking off the stress of the past couple months and moving onward and upward.

To greener pastures, if you will. And I’m gonna milk this time for all its work.